Apex Strategic Planning Infrastructure

Strategic Planning is Key to Economic Growth

23rd November 2022

Following the announcement of a new planning and infrastructure bill, county councils have called for a return to strategic planning… Strategic Planning The County Councils Network (CCN) is advocating a return to strategic planning in a bid to boost housebuilding and economic growth. The call comes following the announcement of a new planning and infrastructure…

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Apex Planning Process

Government Moves to Streamline Planning Process

6th October 2022

Releasing surplus land for housing and creating New Investment Zones are included in the latest plans to shake up the planning sector… Planning Process Reforms There are more changes in the pipeline for the planning industry following Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng’s ‘mini budget’ at the end of September. The government has announced planning reforms whose purpose…

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Apex blog Sep 22 Ripping up the Rules

New Prime Minister, New Plans?

14th September 2022

As Liz Truss takes the reins at Number 10, we look at what this might mean for the planning sector… It’s all change in government this month, as Liz Truss moves into Downing Street and Simon Clarke takes over as Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. Prime Minister Truss claims that she…

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Apex Green Belt

Sunak pledges to protect Green Belt

19th August 2022

As the Tory leadership race hots up, Rishi Sunak’s pledge to block development on Green Belt land is provoking mixed reactions… The Future of Green Belt As the battle for the Tory party leadership continues, a promise by Rishi Sunak could have a major impact on the planning arena. The former Chancellor has said that,…

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Apex Nature Recovery Green Paper

Nature Recovery Green Paper and Planning

22nd July 2022

The Government’s nature recovery green paper could have some ramifications for planning and development, as local authorities ensure that environmental issues are at the heart of planning policy… Nature Recovery Green Paper The government’s nature recovery green paper could have an impact on planning and housing, as councils call for support in the planning process…

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Apex solar panels

Could listed homes jump on the solar panel bandwagon?

21st June 2022

With one London borough getting set to allow solar panels on listed buildings, could this be a trend that will be copied across the country, as local authorities continue their bid to become carbon neutral? Solar Panels on Listed Buildings Thanks to the current energy crisis and rising inflation, more and more of us are…

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Apex Levelling up

Levelling up – how technology can help

27th May 2022

The phrase ‘levelling up’ has been bandied around quite a bit since the government first revealed its white paper of the same name – and it seems that technology will be at the heart of any improvement in the planning arena… The government’s recent levelling up white paper made much of improving the planning system,…

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Apex Listed Buildings

Preserving our Heritage

26th April 2022

We review the importance of listed buildings and understanding the requirements and responsibilities for property owners… The history and heritage of the United Kingdom is hugely important. It’s one of the main reasons that we have a thriving tourism industry (when we’re not in the midst of a global pandemic that is!) – and pre-Covid,…

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Apex Planning Levelling Up White Paper

Planning System features in Government’s new Levelling Up White Paper

14th March 2022

The planning system is playing a major part in a new white paper aimed at making opportunities equal across the country… There has been a lot of focus in the planning press recently on the emphasis of the planning system in the new Levelling Up white paper. The paper aims to show how the government…

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Apex Satisfied Clients

Satisfied Clients at Apex Planning Consultants

22nd February 2022

Last month we looked at some of our successful projects involving ‘change of use’. In this blog, we focus on more of our diverse and satisfied clients… As we said last month, despite 2021 being an unusual year in many ways, we certainly were kept busy, achieving the desired results for our clients. The following…

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Apex Planning Consultants Limited t /a Apex Planning Consultants. Company number: 8091611. Registered in England & Wales.

Registered office: 1 Hillbeck Grove, Middleton, Milton Keynes, MK10 9JJ. VAT Registration Number 210735054.