Planning Objections
We regularly act for businesses and individuals who need to object to proposals that will adversely affect them and their neighbourhood. For example, their local road networks, surrounding landscape, conservation areas or listed buildings, or perhaps something even more personal to them, such as their private amenity. We can act on behalf of individuals or groups of neighbours and local action groups who are fighting against a development.
- Planning objections need to be based on planning merit rather than any emotive reasons; not liking the applicant’s motives, plans to make a profit, or their business practices are not reasons that will impress the local planning authority.
- The objection needs to be specific in its claims – it should point out the harm that a proposed development will cause and wherever possible it should refer to the local planning authority’s own development plan policies.
We will aim to inform our clients about the planning process and be honest and clear about the likelihood of being able to raise a successful objection.
Reasons for Planning Objections
- Adverse effect on one’s amenity, arising from noise and disturbance, loss of privacy and overshadowing etc
- Over-development of a site – particularly if garden land is lost
- The visual impact of the development
- Effect of the proposed development on the neighbourhood’s character and appearance
- Design
- If the development is too big, out-of-scale or out of character compared with its surroundings
- Adverse effect of the development on the character and appearance of a Conservation Area
- Adverse effect on the setting of a Listed Building
- Adverse effects on highway safety or the convenience of road users
How we can help
We can assist you in a number of ways, including:
- Offering advice at group meetings
- Site visits
- Planning research
- Discussing the proposal with the local authority
- Preparing and submitting a planning objection
- Representing the group at planning committee meetings
If you need advice or assistance in filing planning objections, please contact a member of the team.
Apex Planning Consultants Limited t /a Apex Planning Consultants. Company number: 8091611. Registered in England & Wales.
Registered office: 1 Hillbeck Grove, Middleton, Milton Keynes, MK10 9JJ. VAT Registration Number 210735054.