Local Development Order

Brown is the New Green for Planners

26th June 2015

Back in May, the Queen’s speech included a promise by the Conservatives to focus on brownfield development – that is building on previously developed sites. This is to be done using Local Development Orders (LDOs), which basically give blanket planning permission as long as the developer adheres to specific conditions. The aim of this is…

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Cross Section

Win-Win for Business & Local Community

31st May 2015

Sometimes planning issues can get in the way of trying to run a business, so it’s always good when we can help a local company move forward with its expansion. This month we have seen the culmination of a lengthy process, beginning in February 2012, when a business in Marsh Gibbon, Bucks, finally gained planning…

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Urban Self Build

Building Your Own Home – Dream or Reality

20th April 2015

Many thanks to Urban Self Build for writing this guest blog for us this month.  USB Ltd is headed up by two qualified housing development and design professionals with over 40 years of award winning experience between them.  You’ll find contact details for USB Ltd at the bottom of this post. Who hasn’t thought about building…

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Child Safety Seat

Spring News at Apex Planning Consultants

30th March 2015

This past month we have helped a longstanding client with a complaint that led to an investigation by Council enforcement officers, and assisted a local business in getting the planning permission required to expand their operation.  We also unravel what the latest Government planning update actually means.  Read on to find out more… Milton Keynes…

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Planning enforcement

The Vagaries of Town Planning

27th February 2015

New Hope for Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire No two days are the same in the world of planning, and we were particularly pleased when Apex Planning Consultants’ owner, Paul Smith, was asked to make a presentation to the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).  Paul’s presentation included:  the ability to change the use of offices to…

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National Lift Tower Northants

A Successful Year for Apex Planning Consultants in 2014

28th January 2015

Happy New Year to you if we’ve not yet spoken!  As this is our first blog post of 2015, we thought we’d take the opportunity to review last year…  2014 was certainly a busy year, and you’ll see from the sample below the scale and breadth of projects that we covered. We’re looking forward to…

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Heritage Preserved and Modern Living Enhanced

27th March 2014

Apex Planning Consultants is delighted to have recently secured planning and listed building consent for a client in Weston Underwood (Milton Keynes). A previous application for the demolition of a curtilage listed building and its replacement with a new build garage, and also the partial demolition of a stone boundary wall was refused and Apex…

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Apex Planning Consultants Limited t /a Apex Planning Consultants. Company number: 8091611. Registered in England & Wales.

Registered office: 1 Hillbeck Grove, Middleton, Milton Keynes, MK10 9JJ. VAT Registration Number 210735054.