Planning Appraisals
The vital first step for a successful development proposal comes in the form of a planning appraisal. These incorporate an overview of the site, giving us a chance to find out what opportunities are offered and what restrictions there may be. The policy framework for the area will be examined, as well as any planning history to date.
Planning appraisals can take one of two forms:
- A desk-top appraisal with all research done online and in the office
- A site visit-based analysis of a proposal, but also incorporating the desk-top research too
The assessment of your proposal can then be conveyed to you either orally or in a formal report; sometimes individuals prefer the former, whereas businesses prefer the latter. Using this as a basis we can then look at the most likely strategy for gaining planning permission.
Carrying out planning appraisals at the start of the process enables the client to get a thorough picture of the situation, to understand how best to go about securing planning permission, and to get an upfront look at the likely costs that will be involved.
As part of the appraisal process, Apex Planning Consultants will, where appropriate, suggest amendments to the scheme where we believe it will improve its chances of being approved, and offer a basic strategy for the preparation and submission of a planning application.
During the appraisal service we can also decide if an appeal against the refusal of a planning application should be lodged and assess the likelihood of success as well as a strategy for its preparation.
Planning appraisals can also enlighten us about pre-application advice. This is where we coordinate the preparation of explanatory documents and drawings that describe a proposal to the council, to explain why, in the client’s opinion, it should be considered favourably and granted permission.
This is then submitted to the council and we request informal pre-application advice. Our team can analyse this pre-application advice and guide clients on which elements of it are pertinent and whether it is likely that the council would grant permission for a proposed development.
The pre-application advice can be utilised in advance, or it can be used to cement a client’s opinion on the likelihood of an application being successful.
Each phase of work or a request for pre-application advice is subject to a separate fee quotation, which is provided in writing alongside our Terms and Conditions.
For more information on planning appraisals, please contact a member of the team.
Apex Planning Consultants Limited t /a Apex Planning Consultants. Company number: 8091611. Registered in England & Wales.
Registered office: 1 Hillbeck Grove, Middleton, Milton Keynes, MK10 9JJ. VAT Registration Number 210735054.